400 E Main Street, Suite #210-A Chattanooga, Tn 37408 423-255-3341
Studio and Stained Glass Supplies for the Hobbyist.
This site is a collection of pieces made over a period of 40 years.
I was introduced to Stained Glass in Ann Arbor Michigan in 1974 when I met a man who owned a studio on State Street. As I learned the art of Stained Glass, I was thrilled at the concept of taking raw materials to create functional lamps and windows. I enjoy the entire process… from creating a design to the physical labor of cutting and leading a piece. I Also enjoy working with customers and evaluating his or her style to incorporate my own design ideas.
My background is varied. I have a BBA in marketing and some interior design course work, as well as an Associates Degree in “Surgical Technology”. But no mater what other paths I’ve explored, I always come back to glass.
My other love is music. I play the flute and love to improvise with any style of music. Also enjoy site reading and playing classical music.
“In Town Gallery” located near Coolidge Park, Chattanooga TN (North Shore), 26a Frazier Avenue www.intowngallery.com< Member for 10 years. 2008-2015